(The following is a summary of facts and data from many sources and from my own findings)
Juan Dias Febos' descendants from his two wives in Puerto Rico are very many. He was born in Hispaniola in 1653. Juan is the son of Diego Febos, the son of Simon Febos, of Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain. Data from these three is very patchy, but we are lucky to have sufficient data to arrive to a consensus on their relationships.
Simon Febos
Simon Febos arrived to Puerto Rico on January 15th, 1571 from Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain (Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Vol V, Tomo I, Por Romera Iruela y Galbis Diez, 1980. Pag 427.III - 433 v.°) ((AGI Contratacion, 2464). The son of Diego Hernandez Febo and Maria Hernandez, he brought a servant from Isla de Palma (Canary Islands) suggesting he was a well-to-do traveler and indicating his ship made the typical stop on the Canary Islands. These were the years of King Phillip II's reign, which marked the height of the Spanish Golden Era of Colonization. But there was conflict on the Spanish Netherlands, the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, and Sir Francis Drake was wreaking havoc throughout the Spanish possessions including Puerto Rico, which he attacked in 1595.
A Ximon Febo is mentioned in the "Alarde" (Muster Roll) by Governor Diego de Carasa on September 1561. This is ten years before the Arrival of Simon to Puerto Rico as mentioned above, so I am not sure if this Ximon Febo (or might be "Febre") is the same Simon Febos of our ancestry (PARES, Archivo General de Indias, Archivo General de Indias, PATRONATO,175,R.36).
Diego Febos
The son of a Simon (Contratacion 2464 Num 10 ramo 1, 1591), Diego was one of three children by Simon and Ana Febos. We find important data on Diego at "Portal de Archivos Españoles" (PARES):
Juan Dias Febos
Juan Diaz Febos was of rank Corporal on the Muster Roll served by Captain Alonso de Espinosa on July 17th, 1700 (Folio 542, AGI Santo Domingo, Cartas y Expedientes del Gobierno de PR desde 1662 a 1706. Archivo General de Indias, Rollo 18, Folio 530, 17 jul 1700, and Page 93 of Boletin de Genealogia, Vol. VIII, April 1996, Num 1-2). He must have been an old man, past his fifties by then.
Juan lived in #98, Santa Catalina Street, San Juan (Revista de Genealogia, Vol IX, page 77). He first married Catalina Lopez and by 1674 had five children with her:
1-Francisco Diaz/de Avila- (LDS, San Juan Marriages 1653-1701, image 260/278). Born on 1653 in Santo Domingo. Died on 21 June, 1675 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2-Sebastiana- Married in 1693 (SJuan 1stM, F246),
3-Diego- Married in 1685 (SJuan 1stM, F183)
4- Ana Tomasa de Santana - Marries on 1689 (SJuan 1stM, F211).
5-Dominga Guzman - Marries on 1683 and 1690 (SJuan 1stM, F164v and F231)
NOTE: Francisco Dias/de Avila marries Catalina Maria Delgado on 29 May, 1692 at El Piñal, Caguas. Catalina is daughter to Alferez Francisco Delgado and Dominga del Rio (S.Juan 1stM F239).
When Catalina died, JDF married Maria Micaela Benitez in June 21, 1695 (S.Juan 1stM F128v). From this marriage we find:
1- Mateo Manuel - Marries in 1706 (SJ 1M F321v). I descend from Mateo Manuel, through his son; Domingo Diaz de los Ramos through marriage with Elena Rita Fernandez de Flores del Rosario.
2- Ana - Marries in 1707 (S.Juan 1stM F332)
Juan Dias Febos (Micaela Benitez)
--Mateo Manuel Diaz (Catalina Cedeño)
----Domingo Diaz Cedeño (Elena Rita Fernandez)
------Juana Gertrudis Diaz (Esteban del R. Velazquez)
--------Juan Martin Velazquez (Andrea Carrasquillo Alexandro)
----------Roberto Velazquez (Juana Carrasquillo Pinto)
------------Juana Velazquez Carrasquillo (Apolinario Santiago)
-------------1.Luis Santiago (Ana Maria Robles)
----------------Felipa Santiago Robles (with Pedro Vazquez Carrasquillo)
------------------Francisco Vazquez Santiago (with cousin Marcola)=╗
-------------2.Nazario Santiago (Nemesia Robles) ║
----------------Marcola Santiago Robles (with cousin Francisco )===╝
------------------Flora Vazquez Santiago (Juan Quiñones Rosa)
---------------------Juanita Quiñones Vazquez (Domingo Delgado Garcia)
-----------------------Yours truly (con Diana Cruzado Torres)
Folio 239 #493:
Fecha: 29 de mayo 1692, "en la yglesia del Piñal, Caguas"
Ministro: Padre Dn Pedro Centeno, comisario del santo oficio de la ynquisicion de la ciudad de Barcelona de este obispado
Contrayente: Francisco Diaz
Natural de: San Juan
Padres: Juan Diaz Febos y Catalina Lopez
Contrayente: Catalina Maria Delgado
Natural de: San Juan
Padres: Alferez Francisco Delgado y Dominga del Rio
Testigos: Capitan Francisco Delgado, Francisco Carrasquilla y Josef Madurero
Children of Juan Diaz Febos and Catalina were:
Manuel baptized 21 aug. 1659
Dominga de Guzman
married. 1. Manuel Delgado 26 feb 1683
2. Juan Felipe Cordero 8 dic 1690
Diego Diaz m. Francisca Piñera (vda) 27 aug 1685
Ana Tomasa Santana m. Josef Martin Cabrera 6 jun 1689
Francisco Diaz (Avila) m Catalina Maria Delgado 29 May 1691
Sebastiana Rodríguez m Pedro de Moya 6 nov 1693
Censo 1673 AGI Santo Domingo 173
Casa de Juan Dias (Febos) Calle de la Concepción y Santa Catalina
Juan Diaz, Cathalina Díaz, su mujer, Juan, Diego, Sebastiana , Ignes, sus hijos
AGI. Santo Domingo 163 ' 1699
Co. del Capt. Diego Antonio de Velasco:
Diego Díaz Febos, hijo de Juan, natural de Santo Domingo, Pelo Crespo, 46 años
Juan Dias Febos' descendants from his two wives in Puerto Rico are very many. He was born in Hispaniola in 1653. Juan is the son of Diego Febos, the son of Simon Febos, of Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain. Data from these three is very patchy, but we are lucky to have sufficient data to arrive to a consensus on their relationships.
Simon Febos
Simon Febos arrived to Puerto Rico on January 15th, 1571 from Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain (Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Vol V, Tomo I, Por Romera Iruela y Galbis Diez, 1980. Pag 427.III - 433 v.°) ((AGI Contratacion, 2464). The son of Diego Hernandez Febo and Maria Hernandez, he brought a servant from Isla de Palma (Canary Islands) suggesting he was a well-to-do traveler and indicating his ship made the typical stop on the Canary Islands. These were the years of King Phillip II's reign, which marked the height of the Spanish Golden Era of Colonization. But there was conflict on the Spanish Netherlands, the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588, and Sir Francis Drake was wreaking havoc throughout the Spanish possessions including Puerto Rico, which he attacked in 1595.
A Ximon Febo is mentioned in the "Alarde" (Muster Roll) by Governor Diego de Carasa on September 1561. This is ten years before the Arrival of Simon to Puerto Rico as mentioned above, so I am not sure if this Ximon Febo (or might be "Febre") is the same Simon Febos of our ancestry (PARES, Archivo General de Indias, Archivo General de Indias, PATRONATO,175,R.36).
Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Spain
About Ciudad Rodrigo
Located along the very important route between Salamanca and Portugal. and along the River Agueda, "La Raya de Portugal" , a natural border between these two kingdoms, Ciudad Rodrigo was walled, had its own cathedral, and a notable Jewish community; a "judería". During the 1492 expulsion, it became a place of transit for those escaping to Portugal. It's synagogue was turned into a church. Available Church Records for Ciudad Rodrigo are here:
I have not found any records of Simon Febos or any of his relatives, but the search continues on all 12 Parishes. I did note the Dias/Diaz surname on many 16th-century baptisms.
Simon migrated to the New World at a time of great stability and economic resurgence of the city, but we will probably never know the reasons for what drove him to migrate to the Indies.
The son of a Simon (Contratacion 2464 Num 10 ramo 1, 1591), Diego was one of three children by Simon and Ana Febos. We find important data on Diego at "Portal de Archivos Españoles" (PARES):
- (Año 1597, Diego Febos viajando desde Sevilla, España a La Española) Expediente de información y licencia de pasajero a Indias de Diego Febo, natural de la Isla Española, hijo de Simón Febo y Ana Febo, con su mujer Luisa de Guzmán, hija de Bartolomé Romero y Catalina de Guzmán, su suegra Catalina de Guzmán, hija de Ruy Díaz de Sahagún y María Cano, y su cuñada Dionisia de Guzmán, las tres naturales de Sevilla, a Santo Domingo (Isla Española) (Contratación 5256,N.1,R.53) y RELACION DE PASAJEROS, Archivo General de Indias, CONTRATACION,5256,N.1,R.53. (Archivo General de Indias, CONTRATACION, 5260B, N.1,R.7 - 1 Recto - Imagen Núm: 1 / 20)
Número 4 - Autos de Simón Febo, vecino de Puerto Rico, con Fernando Rodríguez de Pereira y sus bienes, sobre el producto de 76 quintales, 3 arrobas y 14 libras de jengibre y 103 cueros. Año 1597, 1601, 1608. (PARES, Archivo de Indias, Casa de la Contratacion, Autos, Autos entre partes. ES.41091.AGI/,769)
Juan Dias Febos
Juan Diaz Febos was of rank Corporal on the Muster Roll served by Captain Alonso de Espinosa on July 17th, 1700 (Folio 542, AGI Santo Domingo, Cartas y Expedientes del Gobierno de PR desde 1662 a 1706. Archivo General de Indias, Rollo 18, Folio 530, 17 jul 1700, and Page 93 of Boletin de Genealogia, Vol. VIII, April 1996, Num 1-2). He must have been an old man, past his fifties by then.
Juan lived in #98, Santa Catalina Street, San Juan (Revista de Genealogia, Vol IX, page 77). He first married Catalina Lopez and by 1674 had five children with her:
1-Francisco Diaz/de Avila- (LDS, San Juan Marriages 1653-1701, image 260/278). Born on 1653 in Santo Domingo. Died on 21 June, 1675 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2-Sebastiana- Married in 1693 (SJuan 1stM, F246),
3-Diego- Married in 1685 (SJuan 1stM, F183)
4- Ana Tomasa de Santana - Marries on 1689 (SJuan 1stM, F211).
5-Dominga Guzman - Marries on 1683 and 1690 (SJuan 1stM, F164v and F231)
NOTE: Francisco Dias/de Avila marries Catalina Maria Delgado on 29 May, 1692 at El Piñal, Caguas. Catalina is daughter to Alferez Francisco Delgado and Dominga del Rio (S.Juan 1stM F239).
When Catalina died, JDF married Maria Micaela Benitez in June 21, 1695 (S.Juan 1stM F128v). From this marriage we find:
1- Mateo Manuel - Marries in 1706 (SJ 1M F321v). I descend from Mateo Manuel, through his son; Domingo Diaz de los Ramos through marriage with Elena Rita Fernandez de Flores del Rosario.
2- Ana - Marries in 1707 (S.Juan 1stM F332)
Juan Dias Febos (Micaela Benitez)
--Mateo Manuel Diaz (Catalina Cedeño)
----Domingo Diaz Cedeño (Elena Rita Fernandez)
------Juana Gertrudis Diaz (Esteban del R. Velazquez)
--------Juan Martin Velazquez (Andrea Carrasquillo Alexandro)
----------Roberto Velazquez (Juana Carrasquillo Pinto)
------------Juana Velazquez Carrasquillo (Apolinario Santiago)
-------------1.Luis Santiago (Ana Maria Robles)
----------------Felipa Santiago Robles (with Pedro Vazquez Carrasquillo)
------------------Francisco Vazquez Santiago (with cousin Marcola)=╗
-------------2.Nazario Santiago (Nemesia Robles) ║
----------------Marcola Santiago Robles (with cousin Francisco )===╝
------------------Flora Vazquez Santiago (Juan Quiñones Rosa)
---------------------Juanita Quiñones Vazquez (Domingo Delgado Garcia)
-----------------------Yours truly (con Diana Cruzado Torres)
Folio 239 #493:
Fecha: 29 de mayo 1692, "en la yglesia del Piñal, Caguas"
Ministro: Padre Dn Pedro Centeno, comisario del santo oficio de la ynquisicion de la ciudad de Barcelona de este obispado
Contrayente: Francisco Diaz
Natural de: San Juan
Padres: Juan Diaz Febos y Catalina Lopez
Contrayente: Catalina Maria Delgado
Natural de: San Juan
Padres: Alferez Francisco Delgado y Dominga del Rio
Testigos: Capitan Francisco Delgado, Francisco Carrasquilla y Josef Madurero
Children of Juan Diaz Febos and Catalina were:
Manuel baptized 21 aug. 1659
Dominga de Guzman
married. 1. Manuel Delgado 26 feb 1683
2. Juan Felipe Cordero 8 dic 1690
Diego Diaz m. Francisca Piñera (vda) 27 aug 1685
Ana Tomasa Santana m. Josef Martin Cabrera 6 jun 1689
Francisco Diaz (Avila) m Catalina Maria Delgado 29 May 1691
Sebastiana Rodríguez m Pedro de Moya 6 nov 1693
Censo 1673 AGI Santo Domingo 173
Casa de Juan Dias (Febos) Calle de la Concepción y Santa Catalina
Juan Diaz, Cathalina Díaz, su mujer, Juan, Diego, Sebastiana , Ignes, sus hijos
AGI. Santo Domingo 163 ' 1699
Co. del Capt. Diego Antonio de Velasco:
Diego Díaz Febos, hijo de Juan, natural de Santo Domingo, Pelo Crespo, 46 años